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It's better because you become less of a pain in the ass!

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13y ago

The pill must be made for insertion into the rectum; not any regular pill will work.

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Q: How are the effects better when putting pain pills in your anus?
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What effects can taking ketamine when pregnant?

I heard that it can be born without an anus :S

Why excrete waste from anus?

Did you have a better place in mind?

Can you absorb medicine in the anus?

Yes you can, I have done it. Put KY on your middle finger and the pill on top of the finger and push as far as it can go, I have 5 pills, the small ones are little harder to insert. But ok, the pills worked slower....

Is putting petroleum jelly in your anus safe?

Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) itself is safe, but it will weaken latex condoms.

How can a thirteen year old male feel his g-spot?

Boys and men have their g-spot in the anus. You can try to feel it by putting your finger or some other object(like a pen) in your anus. Use lub because your anus does not get wet. Remember to be careful and have fun!:)

How do you finger better?

Stimulate anus same time with toy or vibrator..

How do you better my self?

Stimulate anus same time with toy or vibrator..

Why does putting water in your Anus hurt?

normally it wouldn't hurt, so if this is the case, u might need to consult a doctor.

What are the side effects of anal bleaching?

why the hell would you bleach your anus? did your subscription to "spare time" magazine run out?

Why does the anus open?

The anus is controlled by a sphincter muscle , and when your body needs to evacuate waste material, that sphincter is sent a signal to open. You do have more control of it yourself at other times. This control was part of the traing we all received as toddlers for toileting.