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Q: Can you test positive for marijuana if you've slept beside someone who's smoked marijuana from their hair?
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If i smoked very little marijuana one month ago will i test positive in a blood test?

Smoking marijuana an month ago, you can be test, and find positive. Marijuana stay in your system about 28 to 31 days

I took 3 hits of marijuana about a month ago I haven't smoked in over a year Will I test positive if I have a drug test 30 days after I smoked?


How would marijuana show up in someones system if they havent smoked in 40 days will other meds taken interfer?

If THC has shown up, they either smoked it or was around others who smoked it. Other drugs do not make the tests come back positive for marijuana.

When was marijuana smoked?


I smoked only a little bit of marijuana 9 months ago will and i tested positive is that possible?

no your good 30 days is about avg time

How long does marijuana stay in your system if only smoked once?

Someone who smokes occasionally - or for the first time - will likely test positive for 1-3 days afterward, according to a review by the National Drug Court Institute (NDCI).

If someone smoked 4 joints in a weekHow long will THC stay in your body255lbs?

if someone didnt smoke marijuana for two months and then smoked one joint a week ago, how long would it remain in urine and at what ng

Can marijuana be smoked and eaten?

Yes It Can

Will marijuana laced with coke make you test positive?

yes because you are inhaling the cocaine as well while the blunt is being smoked so you will test positive for both but the coke will only stay in your system for a short time and the marijuana stays much longer

How is marijuana different from other drugs?

Marijuana is sometimes smoked with tobacco.

You smoked pot for 20yrs and stopped 4 weeks ago will you come up positive?

Yes, marijuana stays in a persons system for a long time.

What is the hallucinogen sometimes smoked on marijuana?

Sometimes, phenylcyclohexylpiperidine (PCP or angeldust) is smoked in combination with marijuana. PCP is a very strong and potentially dangerous hallucinogen.