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Yes! You should cut your rabbit's nails regularly as part of regular at-home grooming and health screening.

Why - If you don't clip your bunny's nails, they'll grow too long and injury will result. For example, the nail could get easily caught and torn out. Or, the long nails could cause the rabbit to stand with more pressure on the back of the feet, resulting in a condition called "sore hocks."

How - You can cut the nails with the proper pet nail clippers, but you have to be careful not to cut the quick. If you cut the quick, you will hurt your rabbit and the nail will bleed a lot. The quick is easy to see in light-colored nails: it's the dark line inside the nail. Clip above the quick.

Sit your rabbit on a towel (on your lap, on the ground, or on a table surface) and hold her firmly. Some rabbits won't sit still and will need to be restrained. Have someone with you to help. Simply covering the rabbit's eyes may be enough to calm her; if not, something more advanced will be necessary. Next time you're at the vet's, ask them to show you how to restrain your rabbit. You can also type the phrase "bunny burrito" into a search engine and you will find helpful instructions.

In dark nails, the quick is hard to see. You could try this:

  • Shine a penlight on the nail from below, and the quick will become visible
  • Use the squeeze-squeeze-clip method: close the clippers around the nail, and firmly squeeze it three times, but don't clip it off until the third squeeze. If your rabbit jerks away when you first squeeze it, stop and try again higher up on the nail, because you were probably on the quick.

First Aid - If you accidentally cut the quick, don't panic. Your rabbit will soon forget the pain and the blood looks scarier than it really is. Just apply a dab of blood-stop powder with a cotton swab (for example, styptic powder from the store, or plain cornstarch or flour can also work), then apply pressure with a clean cloth until the bleeding stops. It's okay if your rabbit licks the nail afterwards, but watch to make sure the bleeding doesn't start up again.

Supplies -

  • Pet nail clipper
  • Clean cloth
  • Penlight
  • Styptic powder (or cornstarch, or flour)
  • Clean towel

Other Answers

You probably could, but it's pretty pointless!

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13y ago

Not very well, They will work on a small rabbit but as they grow and their nails get tougher they will only tear the nail and hurt the rabbit. They make a very good clipper for cats, dogs and rabbits that can be found at any Petsmart store.

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13y ago

A vet can clip them for you. But it is something you can do yourself. All you need is a pair of pet clippers (available at Walmart, Petco or just about any place that has pet supplies) a towel and a flash light. (a second person would also make the job easier. If your rabbit is used to you handling it you don't need the towel. If not gently but snuggly wrap your rabbit so that his head pokes out and you can pull each foot out as you trim it.) Place your thumb in the middle of their foot on the bottom and gently push in , this will make all the claws extend. If you can't see the qwik use a flash light behind the nail. Nip the nail well short of the qwik. Don't forget the dewclaw.

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12y ago

You can, but it's very dangerous and not recommended.

Rabbit skin is very elastic. Not only can it be hard to determine where the fur ends and the skin begins, but if you accidentally cut the skin, it can quickly stretch to alarming proportions!

If you have a long-furred rabbit, consider bringing it to a rabbit-savvy vet or rabbit-savvy professional groomer instead of cutting it yourself.

If your rabbit has a knot in its fur, consider very gently working it out with your fingers. This can take a few days if your rabbit is not very patient, but it's safer than using scissors. It's not 100% safe, though: be VERY gentle, or else you might tear the skin a little, which could lead to infection.

If you decide to use scissors, use blunt-ended scissors (often marketed for using on babies). Be EXTREMELY careful. Have someone with you to keep the rabbit still. Have first aid supplies on hand, and choose a time when the vet's is open so you can rush there if you cut the skin accidentally.

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Do you have to cut rabbits nails?

YES, every so often.

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Pet rabbits (not wild rabbits) have long nails because they aren't exposed to difficult conditions to live in and don't run (hop) or exercise much. Whilst wild rabbits must fend for themselves in the wild and do an awful lot of running (hopping) which keeps their nails trimmed. Which is why it is important to cut your rabbits nails when they get too long. To simply cut their nails, you must hold your rabbit so it doesn't struggle and very carefully with small clippers or pliers, cut a little bit away each time, but don't cut too far because you will hurt your rabbit and bleeding may occurr.

How long do rabbits nails grow?

Rabbits nails never stop growing. Although the nails grow slowly, it will gradually get long enough where it can trip over them while walking. If the nails are visible through the rabbits paws, you need to clip them. Ask your vet how to do it the right way and you can buy specially made small animal nail clippers and do it yourself! Don't cut the pink part of the nail! That hurts!

Can you cut a rabbits nail with a nail clipper?

Yes you SHOULD being careful not to cut into the qwik (pink colored part of nail). See the related question below for details about how to cut a rabbit's nails.

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There is no reason to not cut your nails on Saturday.

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Nope, you don't have to cut your nails to ride horses.

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