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Q: Can you use water from dehumidifier to top up battery?
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How do you top the battery water?

Use distilled water. If the battery is a sealed battery you cannot add any water.

Can I Top up car battery with tap water?

no. use deionised or distilled water

Can you use water from a dehumidifier to do laundry?

yes, I use it all the time and it is just fine

Why do you put water in a car battery?

Because the electrolyte in a battery is a mixture of 65% distilled water and 35% sulfuric acid. Anytime you top off a battery you must use distilled water.

Vw gti change battery water?

No, you don't ever change battery water. Batteries have hydrochloric acid in them, not water, even though you use water to top them off. Do not mess with the acid in your battery. You should always use distilled water to fill your batteries.

Will di water work in batteries?

You should always use distilled water to top a battery off.

Can rainwater be used to top up battery?

It could be, but it shouldn't be. If you're going to use water, you want to use distilled water.

What does distilled water do in an ups?

You have an UPS with a motorcycle battery in it, correct? You use the distilled water to top off the electrolyte in the cells.

Does this dehumidifier work only with water, or can you use items like vapor inside?

This unit does require water,you can add vapor to the water if you wish.

What is the difference between humidifier and dehumidifier?

A humidifier makes the air fresher, While a dehumidifier removes a fresh smell. A house would use a a humidifier and a museum would use a dehumidifier

Ford transit van dashboard light has come on with a battery what does this mean?

It means your Battery water level is low.Now depending on what type of battery you have, you can either unscrew the 6 or 8 knobs on top of the battery it-self and fill it to the brim with distilled water (If you use normal water it will die quicker.Or if you have the cash on you, buy a new battery.

What the use of the mineral water to battery?

Add nothing but distilled water to a battery.