

Can you walk on Mars

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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If not wearing a spacesuit, the human would either die of inquires caused by low air pressure, causing the body to swallow. The human would not be able to breathe mars atmosphere due to it consisting mostly of carbon dioxide, and less than 1 percent oxygen. Also Mars temperature lays on an average -63 degrees Celsius. The radiation would also cause radiation positioning. That, however, is your least concern when walking on the surface of mars.

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13y ago

no i do not improve u can if u were a space thing or wat u call it person

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9y ago

Walking on Mars would not be a serious problem. While there is less gravity, it is equal to one third of the gravity on earth. Walking would be quite easy.

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Zero. Nobody walks on mars, and nobody has ever walked on mars.

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No person has yet walked on Mars.

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no one has ever been to mars

Can you walk in mars planet?

Yes, but gravity is low.

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NASA is aiming to send a manned mission to Mars in the year 2037.

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Not without spacesuits, just like the moon. If a person were to walk around Mars, they would freeze to death and die from lack of oxygen. With a spacesuit, an astronaut could walk around on Mars, just like they could walk around the surface of the moon wearing a spacesuit.

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18 years

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Nothing except pick up rock samples. Joke: The Mars Rover can do the moon walk.

How many miles is Mars from the earth?

It's a 5 minute walk if you don't dawdle.

Can you walk normally on Mars?

No, as far as we know, every other place in our solar system does not have the same type of gravity as we do on earth. Including Mars.

How many planets can you walk on?

Of the eight planets in our solar system, four have solid surfaces you could walk on. Those four planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. You couldn't walk on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune because they are made of gases, not solids. Mercury is too close to the sun and Venus is too hot for people to walk on. Everyone who has ever walked has, of course, walked on Earth. Scientists are seriously considering a manned mission to Mars, so that leaves Earth and Mars as the only two planets in the solar system on which you could walk.