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depending on what they are....

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Q: Can you wash a webkinz in the dryer?
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Can you put webkinz in the dryer?


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Yes, I have machine washed my webkinz clothing, but DO NOT put them in the dryer. They are small enough already... lol :) Hope this helps... I tie my webkinz in a pillow case just to be sure nothing happens to them in the washer. I find it keeps them safer. then I fluff them with an infant hair brush when they dry. And Yes.. the dryer might hurt the little plastic beans in the little body.. so please don't dry them in the dryer. :)

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Why can't you put webkinz in the dryer?

The fur or watever will come off

Can you wash your webkinz?

yes you can you just need to by a sink or a tub.Bring the water in the sink to a temperature you would bathe in. Then place your webkinz in the water after 1 minute or soo gently massage a body wash shampoo or conditioner onto your friends fur rinse well then remove from tub and dry. Roll in towel and place on counter depending on what webkinz this could take a while. I use my blow dryer at a distance on cold and sometimes warm.Or Just Don't Get It Dirty

Does it hurt webkinz if you put them in a pool or something?

no i believe you can wash webkinz but in a certain way.:D

Is it ok to wash a webkinz with human shampoo?

Yes but Body Wash is better. Wash them out very well and you will be good!!!

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You put the clothes in the wash machine with laundry detergent/soap and then put the clothes in the dryer with a dryer sheet.

How do you dry a hoodie buddie?

Take out your mp3 and wash it. Note: Only Cold Wash cycle and do not but in dryer, air dry.

Can you wash a hoodie buddy?

Take out your mp3 and wash it. Note: Only Cold Wash cycle and do not but in dryer, air dry.