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No they are a band.

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Q: Can your dog eat black eyed peas?
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When do you eat black eyed peas?

There is a superstition to eat black eyed peas on New Year's Day. Some say this is because the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect on New Year's Day and that was all the slaves had to celebrate.

Why do people eat cabbage on New Year's Day?

people eat cabbage to bring money into the new year and black eyed peas for luck

What is the meaning of corned beef and cabbage and black eyed peas on new years?

Good question! The meaning of corned beef and cabbage and black eyed peas on new years is associated with the fortune you should hope for in the coming year. Beef or ham is the meat of choice because unlike chickens (which you should never eat on new years!) these animals do not scratch in the dirt for their food. It is said that if you eat chicken on New Years day you are setting your destiny for the coming year to scratch in the dirt for your survival. Cabbage is green, like paper money. It represents wealth in the coming year. And black eyed peas are the most interesting. In the south, black eyed peas were originally planted as food for livestock. However, during the Civil War when Sherman and his troops stormed through the south burning and destroying crops, livestock, and homes, they left the black eyed peas. They did not want to waste time and resources destroying what they deemed to be already inedible. Because of the black eyed peas being spared, people who survived did not die of starvation. Therefore, black eyed peas are supposed to symbolize luck and prosperity in they year to come. Hope this helped.

Why do you eat black eyed peas on new years?

For good luck

How many black eye peas do you have to eat to have good luck?

Any amount will bring good luck. Hopefully you won't just eat one, though ;)

Related questions

What do people eat for New Year?

black eyed peas

In the US South what do you eat for good luck on New Year's Day?

Pork and Saurkraut. Pork and Saurkraut. Some people eat black eyed peas.

When do you eat black eyed peas?

There is a superstition to eat black eyed peas on New Year's Day. Some say this is because the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect on New Year's Day and that was all the slaves had to celebrate.

What is the difference between field peas and blackeyed peas?

you can eat field peas and black eyed peas are a music group. you could eat them to but i think its considered canibalisim and frowned upon by most people.

Can dogs eat black eyed peas?

Beans are not toxic to dogs and are a source of protein for the dog. Dry beans should be cooked before giving them to your dog. They can eat all types of beans including navy beans, black beans, and green beans.

Why do people eat cabbage on New Year's Day?

people eat cabbage to bring money into the new year and black eyed peas for luck

What is the meaning of corned beef and cabbage and black eyed peas on new years?

Good question! The meaning of corned beef and cabbage and black eyed peas on new years is associated with the fortune you should hope for in the coming year. Beef or ham is the meat of choice because unlike chickens (which you should never eat on new years!) these animals do not scratch in the dirt for their food. It is said that if you eat chicken on New Years day you are setting your destiny for the coming year to scratch in the dirt for your survival. Cabbage is green, like paper money. It represents wealth in the coming year. And black eyed peas are the most interesting. In the south, black eyed peas were originally planted as food for livestock. However, during the Civil War when Sherman and his troops stormed through the south burning and destroying crops, livestock, and homes, they left the black eyed peas. They did not want to waste time and resources destroying what they deemed to be already inedible. Because of the black eyed peas being spared, people who survived did not die of starvation. Therefore, black eyed peas are supposed to symbolize luck and prosperity in they year to come. Hope this helped.

What do they eat in Italy on New Year's Day?

Pickled herring is popular. They also have a cake with a coin baked inside. Lentils and black eyed peas are another popular dish.

Why do you eat cabbage on New Year's Day?

Cabbage is for money in the next year. Black-eyed peas are for luck. Pork is so that you never look back, only look toward the future.

Is walking a dog on Sunday legal?

eat your peas and carrots

Why do you eat black eyed peas on new years?

For good luck

What food do people eat during New Years in the United States of America?

I'm from the south, so this may be a regional thing. You must eat black-eyed peas on New Year's Day. You can find great recipes at Look for recipes from Southern Living magazine. ---- Alcohol. Champagne especially. No one really bothers with a specific kind of food for this holiday.