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No, rabbits can't catch shingles (herpes zoster). However, there are many things that can cause skin problems and fur loss in rabbits (like parasites, fungus, bacteria, chronic wetness, fighting). See the link below for detailed information.

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Q: Can your rabbit catch shingles
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Can you catch shingles from other children who have shingles?

No. While you can catch chickenpox, shingles comes from a virus already within you (chickenpox virus) so you can only have shingles if you have previously had chickenpox. I myself had shingles back when I was in the fourth grade but neither my brother nor my sister ever had it.

Can you spread shingles if you touch inanimate objects?

You can't catch shingles. Shingles is caused by the organism that gave you chickenpox as a child.

Can cats catch shingles from humans?

Shingles is a human disease that is caused by chicken pox that remains dormant until something like stress brings it out. It is unlikely that a human can pass it to a pet.

What is meaning of catch the rabbit?

The origination of "catch the rabbit" comes from an old pregnancy test, in which a rabbit was injected with a woman's urine to test for pregnancy. If a woman wanted to become pregnant, she first had to "catch the rabbit."

What food do you use to catch a wild rabbit?

make a sling to catch a rabbit or use a shotgun

Are shingles catchy?

No. You can however catch chickenpox from the shingles if you've never had them before. The shingles themselves come from a dormant chickenpox virus in your skin tissue.

Why do rabbit's zigzag?

A rabbit zigzags because it is harder for the predator to catch it.

How does a rabbit catch its prey?

Actually rabbit doesn't need to catch it's prey. It is a herbivore and it eats only plants.

Can you catch a rabbit without hurting it?


Can cats catch myxomatosis if they eat an infected rabbit?

Only rabbits can catch myxomatosis. Humans and other animals cannot catch it from eating the meat of an affected rabbit.

Is shingles a risk factor to others?

I had Shingles. And i gave my brother the chicken pocks Others around you can catch shingles or chicken poxs off you about a week before your rash comes up and a week after the first sign of shingles appears on the skin.

At what age can a rabbit catch myxomatosis?

There is no particular age to when a rabbit can catch myxomatosis. Both young and old rabbits are susceptible to catching the virus.