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It could be practically any molecule. Some of them are more suspicious because they for example damage DNA, but carcinogens may for example somehow destroy the repairing mechanism of DNA aberation which is rather a complicated process and one cannot tell about any molecule how it will behave in contact with any particular biomacromolecule.

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Q: Carcinogens may be difficult to identify because?
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Why is it difficult or possible identify microorganism in mixed culture?

It can be difficult to identify microorganisms in a mixed culture because of the complexity of the environment and the presence of multiple organisms. Many microorganisms are difficult to identify and differentiate from one another especially in a complex microbial community. In addition the same species of microorganism may exist in different varieties which can further complicate the process of identification. Furthermore environmental factors such as temperature pH nutrient availability and the presence of other organisms can affect the growth and composition of the microbial community making it difficult to accurately identify individual species.In order to identify microorganisms in a mixed culture several techniques can be used: Growth on specific media Morphological characterization Biochemical tests Molecular characterization Genetic fingerprintingThese techniques can be used to accurately identify microorganisms in a mixed culture although the process can be time consuming and expensive. As such it is important to consider the costs and benefits of identifying microorganisms in a mixed culture before attempting to do so.

Why don't you pluck seeds of cereal plants like you pluck fruits from plants?

Because, if we pluck the seeds of cereal plant directly. we may feel difficult to carry each and every seed as it will be more in quantity.

What are two problems with common names?

Because the same common names are used to describe different plants... which may be similar to each other or wildly different. The scientific names of plants are specifically designed to identify a particular species clearly and unambiguously.

What would inhibit a receptor?

You can inhibit a receptor by either of 2 ways, one being specific one being not so specific. First of all if you have kinases they have a DNA binding domain as well as a catalytic region and ATP region. First you have to identify what you cell has for receptors this may be difficult because .01% of the cells mass are these receptors. Most identified by recomiant DNA, so you can find them by there DNA binding conserved sequence. Not all of them also have to be on the surface some maybe in the cytosol of the protien. So you can make a specific inhibitors for there receptor domain because these are specific. For cancer you want a dirty inhibitor to inhibit a lot of kinases.

Why do you think it might difficult to put whole skeleton together?

may be to stick all the bones together in their final place

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Various gasses may have similar physical properties.

How can people's environments affect their risk of cancer?

The environment may contain carcinogens. In order to reduce the risk of cancer, carcinogens need to be removed or people need to be protected from them.

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This is a very difficult question to answer.. this is because some cichlids you can easily identify because they may lack color, or are smaller then the males.. but in alot of cases, you wont know until you have babies. To get a more accurate answer to the question, you would have to specify which species you are referring to.

Why can occupational and environmental health be difficult to identify?

Health effects deriving from chemical exposures may not have immediate measurable effects and so can be difficult to identify. It is much easier to see that a broken arm follows a fall than to recognize that several years of exposure to benzene has resulted in a case of leukemia.

What elements are carcinogens?

I am not sure but they may be Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Arsenic. It is a starting point for your search however.

Does the H1N1-09 vaccine contain the substances that may cause cancer?

No, the H1N1 virus does not contain carcinogens.

What makes carcinogenics so dangerous?

they cause cancer - Apex Learning.

Why is it difficult or possible identify microorganism in mixed culture?

It can be difficult to identify microorganisms in a mixed culture because of the complexity of the environment and the presence of multiple organisms. Many microorganisms are difficult to identify and differentiate from one another especially in a complex microbial community. In addition the same species of microorganism may exist in different varieties which can further complicate the process of identification. Furthermore environmental factors such as temperature pH nutrient availability and the presence of other organisms can affect the growth and composition of the microbial community making it difficult to accurately identify individual species.In order to identify microorganisms in a mixed culture several techniques can be used: Growth on specific media Morphological characterization Biochemical tests Molecular characterization Genetic fingerprintingThese techniques can be used to accurately identify microorganisms in a mixed culture although the process can be time consuming and expensive. As such it is important to consider the costs and benefits of identifying microorganisms in a mixed culture before attempting to do so.

Why questions may be difficult to investigate?

Because if they were not they would no longer be questions but answers.

Are metaphors difficult to identify?

Metaphors can be quite difficult to identify. Metaphors mean a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. We need to think deeply about identifying metaphors. The sentence in a metaphor may be vague and nonsense and don't make logical sense. An example of metaphor is "If he stocks his prey, he's a shadow.". He's not actually a shadow. It looks like he's a shadow because he's trying to scare his prey away.

Is metaphor difficult to identify?

Metaphor is a type of figures of speech. It's like a comparison to simile. Simile is easier to identify and it's often used "like" or "as". In metaphor, "like" or "as" isn't being used, so metaphors may sound a bit vague. In metaphor, you need to think really deeply and find out something that is not this thing and it's other thing. It can be confusing or it can sound nonsense. Metaphors are difficult to identify.