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Centipedes and millipedes are in the same phylum but in different classes.

Millipedes and centipedes are in the class Myriapoda, meaning, 'two legs per segment.'

If you ever saw a little insect curled up into a ball and thought it was a centipede, you were wrong.

Millipedes are herbivores, are twice as fast as a caterpillar, and have two defense mechanisms. Millipedes have stink glands,and can curl up into a ball.

Centipedes, however, are carnivores, are very, very fast, and is poisonous.

To tell centipedes and millipedes apart, is really quite easy. Centipedes has it's legs spread out wide. Centipedes are really quite scary looking. Millipedes, however, has it's legs neatly underneath it's body. Centipedes have very few legs, why, you could count them. Millipedes have lots of legs. You wouldn't be able to count them unless you got up close which I would not do.

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Q: Centipedes and millipedes are part of which sub phylum?
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Centipedes are flat, and, unlike Millipedes, have one pair of legs per segment. They are NOT part of the hexapod (insects, for all you uneducated people out there) class, but are Arachnids. Centipedes are also carnivores, eating their prey after swiftly injecting poison into it. Still, the main difference, is that centipedes are flat and have only one pair of legs per segment. It's not that much, try to remember it. =], Dude Guy120!Edit: Oh, and by the way, if you didn't get the first part, Millipedes are round. Sorry for the mistake!

How are centipedes differernt from millipedes?

Yes, they are both arthropods. Their main differences are that millipedes have two pairs of 'legs' per body segment and are not poisonous. Centipedes have only one pair per segment and they can be poisonous.

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Insects, Arachnids (scorpions and spiders), Crustaceans (crabs, lobsters, shrimp), Millipedes and Centipedes are all classified as Arthropods. An article that goes into more detail of the sub-phyla and classes can be found at the related link below.

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