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the periodic table changes by the mass number over the time it changed now by atomic number

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2w ago

The Periodic Table has evolved over time as new elements have been discovered and our understanding of atomic structure has improved. Elements have been reorganized based on their atomic number instead of atomic weight, and new elements have been added as they were synthesized in laboratories. The table has also been expanded to include more information about each element, such as atomic structure and properties.

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Q: Changes in the Periodic Table over time?
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August 20, 1864 was when John Alexander Reina Newlands produced the first periodic table of the elements.

When was the periodic table finished?

The periodic table was considered complete in 1869 when Dmitri Mendeleev published his version of the periodic table which arranged elements by atomic weight and properties. However, the table has been updated and refined over time to include new elements and conform to our modern understanding of atomic structure.

Who wrote or found the periodic table of elements?

The periodic table of elements was created by Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, in 1869. He arranged the elements based on their atomic mass and properties, and left gaps for elements that were yet to be discovered. Over time, new elements were discovered and added to the periodic table by various scientists.

What country was the periodic table made in?

The periodic table was created by Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, in 1869. His version of the periodic table is considered the precursor to the modern periodic table that we use today.

Why did Mendeleev leave a space for the unknown at the time element germanium in his periodic table?

Because germanium was not known at the time when Mendeleev formulated his periodic table.

What is difference between periodic and non-periodic changes?

Periodic changes occur in a predictable, repeating pattern over a set period of time, such as daily, weekly, or yearly. Non-periodic changes do not follow a regular pattern and can occur sporadically without a predictable interval.