

Best Answer

bilateral symmetry


four levels of cell organization (cells, tissues, organs, organ systems)

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Waldo Mayer

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2y ago
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Q: Characteristics of most vertebrates' body structures includ?
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What are the main characteristics of fishes?

streamlined body. vertebrates. possess fins and gills.

What three structures support a vertebrate's body and allow it to move?

Tails and legs help support a vertebrates body and allow it to move. Other structures to help a body move are muscle and bones.

What characteristics do vertebrates have?

A backbone, obviously which is a central nerve cord for the body. all advanced forms of life have this. And the backbone is connected directly to the brain

Why are vertebrates classified into different groups?

Vertebrates are classified into different groups based on distinct characteristics such as body structure, reproductive methods, and evolutionary history. These groups help scientists organize and study the diversity of vertebrate species and understand their relationships within the animal kingdom. Classification also aids in identifying common traits and differences among vertebrates for research and conservation purposes.

What impact has the Hox genes had on vertebrates?

Hox genes play a critical role in determining the body plan of vertebrates, influencing the development of structures along the anterior-posterior axis. Disruptions in Hox gene expression can lead to severe abnormalities in body structure and function. They are fundamental in specifying positional information during embryonic development in vertebrates.

Do vertebrates have equal sides of the body?

All vertebrates display bilateral symmetry.

The five groups of vartebrates are?

Vertebrates can be classified into five groups, based on their skin covering, how they reproduce, how they maintain body temperature, and characteristics of their limbs (arms and legs, or their equivalent such as wings or fins). The 5 classes of vertebrates are as follows: # Fish # Amphibians # Reptiles # Birds # Mammals

What gives vertebrates shape?

Vertebrates maintain a specific body shape based upon their skeletons.

What are the characteristics of the bone in the body?

What are the characteristics of the bone in the body?

What do you call the type of classification that is based on similarity of structures?

The type of classification based on similarity of structures is called morphological classification. It involves grouping organisms based on their physical characteristics, such as body shape, size, and other anatomical features.

Is an owl veterbrate?

Owls are vertebrates. They have bones on the inside of the body, versus a crab or lobster which is an invertebrate; they have an hard shell on the outside of their body.

Do all vertebrates control their own body temperature?

yes they can control their body temperature