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Q: Choose the sentence in which the italicized pronoun adrees in number with its italicized antecedent or antecedent?
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Choose the sentence in which the italicized pronoun agrees in number with its italiciazed antecedent or antecedents?

The team members wanted to improve their skills.

Choose the sentence in which theitalicezed pronoun agress in number with its italicizes antecedent or antecedents?

The sentence "Sarah and Jane are enjoying their vacation" is an example where the italicized pronoun "their" agrees in number with its antecedents "Sarah and Jane."

Choose the sentenc ein which the italicized pronoun agrees in number with its italicized antecized antecedent or antecedents?

I'm happy to help you with that. However, it seems like there is a typo in your sentence. Could you please provide the correct sentence for me to analyze?

Choose the sentences in which the italiac pronoun agrees in number with its italicized anttecedent for antecedents?

"The cats played with their toys." "The dogs wagged their tails happily." In both sentences, the italicized pronoun "their" agrees in number with its antecedent ("cats" and "dogs" respectively), making them grammatically correct.

Choose the sentence in which the pronoun agrees in number with its antecedent or aantecedents?

"The students gathered in the library to study for their exams."

Choose the sentence in which the itilicized pronoun agrees in number with its itilicized antecedent or antecedents?

The soccer team just finished their practice.

Choose the sentece in which the italicized pronoun agrees in the number with its italicized antecedents?

"I told Sarah and her brother that she could come with us to the party."

Anyone can leave whenever he or she chooses is that a correct use of pronoun-ascendent agreement?

No, "he or she" is not a pronoun-antecedent match with "anyone." A correct pronoun-antecedent match in this case would be "he or she can leave whenever they choose." Alternatively, using "they" as a gender-neutral singular pronoun is also widely accepted.

Choose the correct meaning of the italicized words in the following sentence. El parque est and aacute al norte de la ciudad.?

The correct meaning of the italicized words "al norte" in the sentence is "to the north."

Why is it important to choose your pronoun carefully when considering language appropriateness?

Using inclusive pronouns can help make a sentence gender-neutral.

How can you know which pronoun to use when you use both a noun and a pronoun in a sentence?

The choice of pronoun is governed by the rules of grammar. If you learn English, you will be able to choose the right pronoun.

Choose the word below that best substitutes for the italicized word in this sentence Mr Howard always wears an impeccable suit to interviews?

Spotless could replace impeccable in that sentence.