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Sentences of probation are given at the sole discretion of the judge. There is no set term of probation for any offense, it can be as long, or as short, as the judge wishes to set it. And. . . he doesn't have to offer it at all.

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Q: Class c felony carries how many years probation?
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What are examples of a federal class c felony?

A federal Class C felony carries penalties of jail time up to 25 years, a maximum fine of up to $250,000 and one to five years probation. Class C felonies can be anything from blackmail to negligent homicide.

What are three penalties for an Illinois class 3 felony?

A class three felony carries from 2 to 5 years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000. There are many sentence options between from probation to an extended term of up to 10 years. For more on felonies see the related links below.

What is a Class CL3 felony in the state of Arizona?

In Arizona a class 3 dangerous felony can have a maximum sentence of up to 15 years with no prior record. A dangerous class 3 felony is not eligible for probation.

How much time can you get for a 3rd degree felony?

A person can get between 6 and 15 years of jail time for a class b drug felony. There is no probation awarded for this class of felony.

What is the penalty for a class d felony in the state of Oregon?

Oregon does not recognize a Class D felony; they group crimes in Class A, B, or C only. A Class C felony carries a sentence of up to 5 years and a Class B felony carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. Class A is the most serious and carries up to 20 years in prison.

Penalty for b class felony in Hawaii?

The maximum penalty for a Class B Felony in Hawaii is 10 years in prison. The average person charged with this felony typically only serves 18 months in jail and is given probation.

How much jail time can you get for a class c felony - acquiring drugs by deception in Maine?

Maine Class C Felony carries a Max of 5 years in prison. Sorry bro.

What is the punishment for first offense domestic vandalism in Tennessee?

A Class A misdemeanor vandalism charge in Tennessee (less than $500 in damage) can carry a sentence of up to a year in jail and $2,500 worth of fines. $500-$1000 worth of damage is a Class E felony that carries a charge of between 1 and 6 years in jail and $3000 of fines. Damage that ranges between $1000 and $10000 is a Class D felony that carries a sentence of 2 to 12 years in prison and $5000 of fines. The Class C felony is damages between $10000 and $60000 and carries a sentence of 3 to 15 years in prison and $10000 of fines. Any damages over $60000 is a Class B felony that carries a sentence of between 8 and 30 years in prison and $25000 of fines.

How much time do you have to serve on a class C felony?

This is in New York? It depends on whether the C felony was considered violent or not, and the defendant's criminal history. Depending, sentencing can range from probation to 15 years.

What are the penalties for False info to a police officer in Arizona?

Sentencing guidelines in Arizona Revised Statutes are as follows: Minimum Maximum 1. For a class 2 felony 4 years 10 years 2. For a class 3 felony 2.5 years 7 years 3. For a class 4 felony 1.5 years 3 years 4. For a class 5 felony 9 months 2 years 5. For a class 6 felony 6 months 1.5 years Monetary fines are also generally imposed by the judge presiding over the case, in addition to a prison sentence. If the offense is classified as a misdemeanor as opposed to a felony, one can expect a fine and up to 6 months in jail.

Can you get a class A felony exponged if it has been over 20 years?

Once you get a felony on your record it is their to stay, especially a class A felony.

Your son in on parole for a felony Is he allowed to be with an old friend that commited a felony 3 years ago but is off of parole and probation?

no, while his is on parole and /or probation he cannot be with any known; or ex-felons.