

Closets planet to the sun

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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The closest planet to the sun is Mercury. The order of planets is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Planets after Mars are much farther away from the sun then the Mars and the closer planets. The first four planets are called the inner planets. The last four are called the outer planets.

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What is different about mercury then any other planet?

it is much hotter then any other planet! it is closets 2 da sun then any other planet........

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How far apart is the closets planet from the sun?

Mercury's distance from the Sun varies in its orbit. Depending on when in a Mercury "year" (88 Earth days) the distance is to be measured, the planet would be somewhere between 46 million and 70 million kilometers away from the Sun.

What is the point of a planet closets to the sun?

That is often called the perihelion. But it is probably better to use the generic term, that applies to ANY orbit: periapsis.

Tell you all about all the planets?

mercury is the closets planet to the sun venus is the hottest planet earth is the only supports life mars is fulled with canyons jupiter is the largest planet saturn has a ring uranus spins sideways neptune is the coldest planet pluto is adwarf planet

What planet is closets planet to Uranus?

When they are all in the same parts of their orbits, Neptune and Saturn are closest. However, it occasionally works out that Earth can be closest to Uranus, if Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Neptune are all of the other side of the Sun.

Which 2 planets are closets to the sun?

Mercury and Venus are the two planets nearest the Sun.

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Proxima Centauri

is the sun a know a palnt?

No, the sun is not known as a planet!

What planet is from the sun?

There is no planet from the sun.

What is planet closet to the sun?

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun.

What planet is closets to earth and why can't we explore it?

Venus is the closest planet to earth. We can not explore it yet because the earths technology is not advanced enough