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the answer is stratus clouds!:)

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Q: Clouds that form in a blanket like layers are?
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What clouds form blanket like layers?


What types of clouds are formed in blanket-like layers?

A cumulus cloud. Because it has thick layers over the sky which normally mean a sunny day. ;)

What are the three main classes of clouds?

Cumulus-puffy. Cirrus-Feathery,sheet like,blanket like. Stratus-horizontal layers,sometimes when it is at a low altitude it is fog.

What kind of clouds form low in the atmosphere?

Stratus clouds typically form low in the atmosphere. They are flat, layered clouds that can cover the sky like a blanket, often bringing overcast and dreary weather.

What type of cloud is low and blanket like?

status clouds

What is a cloud that forms in a blanket like layer?

Stratus Clouds

What are sheetlike clouds called?

Sheetlike clouds are called stratus clouds. They are low-lying, layered clouds that often cover the sky like a blanket.

How can clouds be grouped?

Clouds can be grouped based on their appearance and altitude in the atmosphere. The main categories are cirrus (high-altitude, wispy), cumulus (puffy, cotton-like), and stratus (layered, blanket-like). These categories can further be broken down into specific cloud types like cirrostratus, cumulonimbus, and nimbostratus based on their characteristics.

You see a blanket of gray clouds in the sky You can hardly tell where on cloud leaves off and another begins are they nimbus clouds stratus clouds or cumulus clouds?

The blanket of gray clouds you see is likely stratus clouds. Stratus clouds are low-level clouds that cover the sky like a blanket and often bring overcast conditions with possible light drizzle or snow. Nimbus clouds are associated with precipitation, while cumulus clouds are puffy and usually indicate fair weather.

What type of cloud looks like a blanket?

Stratus clouds are low-level clouds that look like a blanket covering the sky. They are often gray or white in color and can bring light precipitation like drizzle or light snow.

What is the name of a cloud that forms blanket like layers?

i believe it is a cumulonimbus cloud

What is the difference between low level clouds middle level clouds and high level clouds?

Low level clouds form at altitudes below 6,500 feet and include clouds like stratus and cumulus. Middle level clouds form at altitudes between 6,500 and 20,000 feet and include clouds like altostratus and altocumulus. High level clouds form at altitudes above 20,000 feet and include clouds like cirrus and cirrostratus.