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Q: Color and luster are both properties of minerals. how are they similar how can each be used to help identify a mineral?
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Why cant you rely on any single test or property when you are trying to identify a mineral?

Different minerals can share many, but not all, mineral characteristics. Characteristics would include hardness, streak color, crystal shape, reactions to acids, flame tests, density, and others.

Why isn't luster a good property to identify minerals?

Luster is not a good property for identifying minerals because many minerals look similar. Your best way of knowing which mineral is which is by measuring their hardness.

Why can't color alone be used identify most minerals?

Many minerals have similar color, and mineral color can be altered by trace amounts of impurities or by weathering. A better indicator would be the mineral's streak, which is the color of the mineral when powdered, although this characteristic can't be used alone in mineral identification.

Why can't color alone be use to identify most minerals?

Many minerals have similar color, and mineral color can be altered by trace amounts of impurities or by weathering. A better indicator would be the mineral's streak, which is the color of the mineral when powdered, although this characteristic can't be used alone in mineral identification.

Why should you test several when identifying mineral?

Testing serveral properties is useful because some minerals many have similar or the same properties as each other. Testing several properties greatly reduces the chances of a misidentification.

Is color alone is notice usually enough to identify mineral?

No. Color is generally considered the least reliable indicator of mineral type. Many minerals can have the same or similar colors, and a single mineral often has several color varieties.

What are some Similar Minerals to Galena?

Any Lead Mineral, as well as Carbonate Minerals.

Why cant color alone be used too identify most minerals?

Minerals can change color based on small impurities.

Is metamorphic a type of mineral?

Metamorphic is a group of rocks with similar characteristics. There are minerals in the rocks so they could be considered made of minerals but they are not minerals themselves.

Why would it be difficult to identify a gas by its physical properties?

Various gasses may have similar physical properties.

Why do you think some minerals are easier to identify?

Some minerals are easier to identify than others because many have unique properties that make them different. For example gold is a very heavy metal and is extremely "soft" unlike "fools gold" which is brittle and cant be shaped. They are both similar in appearance but extremely different in traits.

Why should you test several properties when identifying minerals?

Testing serveral properties is useful because some minerals many have similar or the same properties as each other. Testing several properties greatly reduces the chances of a misidentification.