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it should be of suitable colour.

it should be able to fix itself or be capable of being fixed to the fabric.

it should be fast to light .

it should be resistant to the action of water, dilute acids and alkalies( all detergents and washing soaps are alkaline in nature)

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15y ago

Primary colors-red, yellow, blue. Similar colors-colors which appear near each other on the color wheel. i.e., orange and yellow. Complimentary colors-colors which appear opposite each other. i.e., red and green. Split complimentary colors-colors which blend well with the colors flanking its complimentary. i.e., orange with either blue-green or blue violet. Triad colors- any three colors equidistant on the wheel. i.e., red, yellow and blue. **

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On frequency.

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Q: Color depends on what characteristic of light?
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What does color refer to?

Color refers to the visual perception of different wavelengths of light. It is a characteristic of an object or substance that our eyes perceive when light is reflected or emitted from it. The color of an object depends on the wavelengths of light it absorbs and reflects.

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The color of the light emitted by an element heated within a flame is a physical characteristic, but this particular physical characteristic is itself determined by a chemical characteristic: the distribution of electron energy levels within the element.

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Different wavelengths of light have different colors.

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Color is due to the reflection of white light. If the light source changes then the apparent color of the element would also change. So my opinion is No.

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Yes, it is. It is a characteristic color, or an absence of light. The color itself may be a noun or pronoun.

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What does the color brown absorb?

Brown absorbs most wavelengths of light in the visible spectrum, reflecting back a range of colors. This absorption of light gives brown its characteristic dark color.

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It depends on the color of the light shining on either mirror. If there is no light, there is no color.

What is a substance that gives color by reflecting some colors of light and absorbing other colors of light?

A substance that gives color by reflecting some colors of light and absorbing other colors of light is known as a pigment. Pigments absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect others, which gives them their characteristic color.