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Q: Columbus thought the people of Hispaniola would make?
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Would it be true to say that columbas first settlement was named hispaniola?

Hispaniola was the first settlement. This happened in Columbus.

Why did Christopher Columbus explore Hispaniola?

Christopher Columbus landed on Hispaniola in 1493. He was still hoping to have found Asia and explored the island in the hope it would be India, China or Japan. He was given some gold dust and that excited him.

Why did Columbus think the trip would be short?

Columbus thought the trip would be short because he thought he live some where different

Why did the Columbus think the people of the island would be good servants?

Columbus thought the people of the island would be good servants because they gave him gifts and took welcoming actions towards him, such as serving him food.

Why did Columbus think the people of the island would be good servants?

Columbus thought the people of the island would be good servants because they gave him gifts and took welcoming actions towards him, such as serving him food.

How many people live in Hispaniola?

I would have to say that more than 5000 people

Why didn't the king support Columbus even though he liked the idea?

He thought it was to expensive, so he thought a smartie like Columbus would get help

Columbus started his first colony on what island?

Not really were the 39 men he left on Hispaniola considered a colony and when he returned they were all dead. The first North American colony that survived would be Jamestown established in 1607.

Why did Christopher Columbus claim the land rodrigo discovered?

Christopher Columbus claimed Hispaniola for money. They had been informed that the first person to see land would receive around 10,000 maravedis yearly for life.

Why Columbus thought western route would be faster?


What was Columbus connection to Newfoundland?

Columbus was trying to sail to asia. he thought that if he sailed west he would get there faster but instead he found newfoundland.

What did Columbus call the Indians?

Columbus went west to go east, but he thought he was in India. He called the people he met "indians". His diary reflects he didn't think much of them and thought they would make good slaves. He mainly wanted them to bring him gold. When one man brought a few nuggets to him Columbus got so mad he cut the man's hands off. Columbus was a greedy man who wanted riches, and power.