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Q: Come si chiama la caratteristica chitarra Indiana?
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What is the Italian translation of 'What is his name'?

Come si chiama? is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "What is his name?"Specifically, the adverb come means "how." The reflexive si means "oneself." The verb chiama means "calls, does call, is called."The pronunciation is "KOH-meh see KYAH-mah."

Come si chiama un posto pubblico per navigare in rete?

Un internet cafè (an internet cafe).

What is the English translation of the Italian 'Come si chiama la tua scuola'?

"What is your school's name?" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase "Come si chiama latua scuola?"Specifically, the adverb come means "how." The reflexive pronoun si means "herself, himself, oneself." The verb chiama means "(He/she/it) is called, (formal singular You) are called." The feminine definite article la means "the." The feminine possessive adjective tua means "your." The feminine noun scuola means "school."The pronunciation is "KOH-meh see KYAH-mah lah TOO-ah SKWOH-lah."

What is his real name in spanish and Italian?

¿Cómo se llama en verdad (él)? spanish (Il) Come si chiama veramente? Italian

What basketball teams come from Indiana?

The Indiana Pacers

What does come si chiama il mio cagnolino mean in English?

"What is my puppy's name?" is an English equivalent of "Come si chiama il mio cagnolino?"Specifically, the adverb "come" means "how." The reflexive pronoun "si" means "herself, himself, itself, oneself, yourself." The verb "chiama" means (he/she/it/one) is called/named, (you) are called/named." The masculine singular definite article "il" means "the." The masculine singular possessive adjective "mio" means "my." The masculine singular noun "cagnolino" means "doggy, lapdog, puppy."The pronunciation is "KOH-me see KYAH-mah eel MEE-oh KAH-nyoh-LEE-noh."

When did Miami Indians come to Indiana?

because indian is like Indiana