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effect of change in the normal activity of that which is being observed.

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2w ago

Concealing the observer can be used to minimize the bias that may be introduced when the observer's presence affects the behavior of those being observed. It can help to ensure that the behavior being observed is natural and unaffected by the observer's presence, leading to more accurate results. Additionally, it can also protect the privacy and confidentiality of the individuals being observed.

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Which procedure is designed to minimize the effect that the presence of an observer has on the behavior that is being observed?

A double-blind procedure is designed to minimize the effect of an observer on the behavior being observed. In a double-blind study, neither the participants nor the researchers are aware of who is receiving the treatment, helping to reduce bias in the results.

What is a blinded observer?

A blinded observer is a research participant or evaluator who is unaware of certain key information, such as the purpose of the study or the treatment being administered. This helps minimize bias and ensure the results are more objective.

What is observer error?

Observer error is a type of measurement error that occurs when an observer's subjective judgment or interpretation influences the data they collect. This can lead to inaccurate or biased observations, affecting the reliability and validity of the results. To minimize observer error, researchers often use standardized protocols, training, and inter-rater reliability checks.

How do you eliminate observer effect?

To reduce the observer effect, minimize the presence of the observer during data collection, use remote monitoring techniques, automate data collection processes, and ensure that participants feel comfortable and natural in the research setting. Communicating the study objectives clearly to participants can also help reduce the impact of the observer effect.

When is a body said to be in motion in relation to an observer?

A body is said to be in motion in relation to an observer when its position changes over time relative to the observer's frame of reference.

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How can observer's paradox ' be overcome?

The observer's paradox can be overcome by blending in with the environment or situation being observed, which can lead to more authentic and natural behavior from individuals. Additionally, building rapport and trust with the individuals being observed can help minimize the impact of the observer's presence. Employing techniques such as camouflage, discretion, or utilizing technology for remote observation can also reduce the influence of the observer's presence on behavior.

What is concealing?

Concealing means to hide to cover up to disguise.

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By teaching communities good morals by setting good examples such as getting the community involved to help one another out.

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Concealing a Burglar - 1908 was released on: USA: 30 October 1908

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Concealing mortgaged property is considered to be illegal. This is translated to mean that on has an ill motive or fraudulent intentions.

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"Observer" is a noun.

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The minimize and restore buttons