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incompatible goals

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Q: Conflict involves disagreement between two or more parties because of?
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Related questions

What is A disagreement about beliefs ideas or interest called?

A disagreement about beliefs, ideas, or interests is called a conflict. It can arise from differences in opinions, values, or perspectives between individuals or groups. Resolving conflicts often involves communication, compromise, and understanding.

What does 'conflict' mean?

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Which type of conflict is the characters experiencing?

The characters are experiencing interpersonal conflict which involves a struggle or disagreement between two or more characters. This type of conflict tends to revolve around personal differences, misunderstandings, or differing goals and values between individuals.

What is a direct conflict?

A direct conflict is a situation where there is a clear and visible disagreement or clash between two or more parties regarding interests, goals, or values. It typically involves open confrontation or opposition between the parties involved.

What is the difference between stress and conflict?

Stress is a bodies response and conflict is a disagreement.

Does conflict mean to come to a disagreement?

Conflict refers to a disagreement or a clash of interests between two or more parties. It can arise due to differing beliefs, values, or goals, leading to tension and disagreement.

What does conflict and resolution mean?

Conflict refers to a disagreement or clash between two or more parties. Resolution involves finding a solution or compromise to resolve the conflict and restore harmony. It typically involves communication, negotiation, and understanding the perspectives of all parties involved.

The stage of a plot that shows disagreement or hostility between characters is called?


What is the difference of frustration and conflict?

Frustration is a feeling of dissatisfaction or disappointment when a goal is not achieved or when obstacles are encountered. Conflict, on the other hand, involves a disagreement or clash of opinions, interests, or values between two or more parties. Frustration is often an internal emotional response, while conflict typically involves external interactions between individuals or groups.

Which stage of plot that shows disagreement or hostility between characters is called?

The stage of the plot that shows disagreement or hostility between characters is typically referred to as the "conflict" stage. This is where the main characters face obstacles or challenges that create tension and drive the story forward.

The stage of plot that shows disagreement or hostility between character is called?


The term conflict refers to?

Conflict is a term that means some form of disagreement, discord, or friction between different groups or people.