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add acetic acid

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Q: Conversion of geraniol into geranyl acetate?
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What are the elements of lemon grass that can kill mosquitoes?

Only if it's green and strong enough to strangle them individually!

Is geraniol organic or inorganic?

Geraniol is an organic compound.

What is the chemical composion of eucalyptus?

I suppose that you think to eucalyptus oil; this oil contain a great percentage of cineole. This oil contain also piperitone, phellandrene, citral, methyl cinamate, geranyl acetate etc.

How many syllables are in the word geraniol?

There are four syllables in the word "geraniol."

What functional groups can you find geraniol?

Geraniol contains a hydroxyl group (alcohol group) as well as an isoprenoid chain, which consists of a series of carbon-carbon double bonds.

What is Geraniol?

Geraniol is a natural compound found in various essential oils like rose, citronella, and geranium. It is commonly used in perfumes, flavors, and aromatherapy products due to its pleasant floral scent. Geraniol is also known for its potential insect repellent properties.

How is geraniol harmful?

Geraniol a substance that causes burning when in contact with oxygen or hydrogen. because God likes bears to be good and bears like to be a goddy tow chossed fowl order and goddy gkgirkf.

What is the name of LiC2H3O2?

lead acetate

What are the elements in acetate?

Acetate is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. The chemical formula for acetate is CH3COO-.

What is NH4CH3COO?

NH4CH3COO is the chemical formula for ammonium acetate, a compound commonly used in laboratory applications such as buffers and chemical reactions involving acidic conditions. It is a white crystalline solid that is soluble in water.

What is the name for HC2H3O?

potassium acetate

What is the formula for strontiym acetate?

Hence its acetate formula should be similar to calcium acetate [CH3COO]2 Ca strontium acetate is [CH3COO]2Sr.