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Q: Convert int64 datatype to int32 using vbnet?
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C sharp dot net example programs for beginers? ProgramsProgram # 1:This program takes three positive numbers from user. Compute and display the average of the two larger numbers. using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;namespace Average_of_three_Nos{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){string no1, no2, no3;int n1, n2, n3;int average;Console.WriteLine("Enter First Number");no1 = Console.ReadLine();n1 = Int32.Parse(no1);Console.WriteLine("Enter Second Number");no2 = Console.ReadLine();n2 = Int32.Parse(no2);Console.WriteLine("Enter third Number");no3 = Console.ReadLine();n3 = Int32.Parse(no3);average = (n1 + n2 + n3) / 3;Console.WriteLine("Average of three Numbers : "+ average);}}}Program #2:This program will take two positive numbers as its input and then find GCD of them.using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;namespace GCD{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Program obj = new Program();string no1, no2;int n1, n2;Console.WriteLine("Enter First Number");no1 = Console.ReadLine();n1 = Int32.Parse(no1);Console.WriteLine("Enter Second Number");no2 = Console.ReadLine();n2 = Int32.Parse(no2);int g=obj.find_gcd(n1, n2);Console.WriteLine("GCD=" + g);}int find_gcd(int a, int b){int c;if(a

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primary datatypes means the data types which are provided by developer of language himself like int,float,double,char are the primary data types in c language where as the String,array are nothing but the derived data types. for Ex.we derived the String data type from char datatype using array system.

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What is the minimum value that can be stored in 8 bits using signed int datatype?

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