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Yes! Your UA test may come back positive with the use of Excedrin. Moreover, the use of Motrin, Advil, and other pain relievers may come back as false positives also.

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Q: Could excedrin cause positive for THC in urine analysis?
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Is it safe to crush Excedrin?

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yup ! and it will !

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not one bit. There is not a single chemical in diesel that they test for in a urine analysis.

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Since we don't know what "IT" may be, there's no way of knowing if it could cause a positive test.

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Can you fail a drug text from a contact high?

yes. It all depends on how often and how much contact you actually have. but YEAH you can pop dirty even if you didn't smoke. excedrin pm and leafy salads can also cause a positive on marijuanna. drink lots of water.

Safe to take excedrin migraine and percocet together?

Yes it is safe. I have been taking percocet and excedrin maximum strength for years, but as always its safer to consult your doctor for reassurance due to the face that nobody knows your current medical history. I say yes.

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They Could Tell Its Not Real Urine And You Could Get In Trouble

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I use to be on Lamactil and my test came false positive for benopines.

What all could cause a urine drug test to show positive results for cocaine other than cocaine itself?

There is pretty much nothing that would cause a false positive for cocaine. Good luck.