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Irregular periods have to be dealt with as soon as possible by consulting a physician. However, if you got your periods (even for a day) then for the time being you have not conceived. Be careful next time and avoid unprotected sex. If you got your periods, even for a day, then be sure you hav'nt conceived.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you DON'T have any symptoms but your period was a week late and only lasted 3 days which is not normal and a guy ejaculated in you?
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Can you cramp in early pregnancy symptoms?

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Is it possible to have no symptoms and a normal period if you're pregnant?

Yes, it is possible.

My period lasted two days and i still have spotting's?

Probably not pregnant at this time.

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No. Two normal heavy periods and no symptoms of pregnancy sound like your definitely not pregnant.

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Yes you could, you get all the symptoms of a normal pregnancy.

Is it possible to have pregnancy signs and not be pregnant?

Yes. The symptoms can be due to normal illnesses or to hormone fluctuation.

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Pregnancy symptoms are not a normal side effect of Mirena removal. Take a pregnancy test.

Is it normal for implantation blood to last up to 6 days?

I'm not certain if this is considered normal, but I had implantation bleeding that lasted exactly 6 days when I was pregnant with my son.

Why breast sore is gone in 2 week pregnant?

It's normal for symptoms to fluctuate during pregnancy.

Do you have to have all of the Signs to be pregnant?

No, you dont have to have any set of symptoms to be pregnant. Some women have no symptoms at all! Some women's only symptom is that they do not have a monthly period. Some women have all the major symptoms of pregnancy. Both are completely normal. If you are unsure if you are pregnant though, please see your doctor for a test.

About 5 and a half weeks pregnant and have no symptoms whatsoever-is this normal Of almost makes you think the dr was wrong?

That is completely normal. I did not have any symptoms until I was around 11 weeks pregnant. I agree, with my first I had really sore breasts and bone-aching tiredness, second time around even chasing after a hyperactive two year old I had no symptoms whatsoever, (and that was a twin pregnancy)