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Maybe. Irregular periods can be caused by many factors. Stress, sickness, are just two factors that could result in irregular periods.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you usually have regular periods and for the past couple of months it's been irregular?
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Related questions

Can Irregular periods lead to miscarriages?

Usually when you're pregnant, you don't have periods at all - so they can't contribute to miscarriages. What irregular periods do most is make it a tad more difficult to figure out when to have sex to have the best chance of getting pregnant. The fix for that is fairly simple - have more sex.

Do periods always come on regular schedule?

Usually for the first 2 years, it is irregular, but after that, it should be regular. Don't worry, I think for some people, it still might be irregular even after 2 years. Go check with your doctor for confirmation :)

If you usually have regular periods but you miss your period?

You might be pregnant. Take a home pregnancy test or go see a doctor.

I haven't had my period for over a month but I am still a virgin so its not possible I am pregnant What other reasons could there be?

It usually takes about a year for periods to get regular after they first start and it is not uncommon to skip a period until your periods get regular/monthly.

Is the quit a regular verb or irregular verb?

The verb "quit" is irregular. In the past tense, it becomes "quit," and in the past participle form, it is also "quit."

What can stop an irregular period?

The only way to stop an irregular period is to start taking birth control. Usually, you will become very regular when taking the pill and some people stop having periods all together when they go on the shot.

What to do about irregular periods?

Birth control usually helps if one uses it right.

If girl is pregnant will she get her periods?

No,that means either the baby has died,or you are not pregnant...

Is circle regular or irregular?

Regular, although the term is more usually used with polygons and polyhedra.

If we get our periods then does it mean that we are not pregnant?

Usually but not necessarily. Some women can have one or two periods after they become pregnant but it is somewhat rare. The best way to see if you are pregnant is to get a test.

Why have you missed your last 2 periods if your usually regular?

If you're usually regular, there could be a number of reasons you missed your last 2 periods. The most likely reason is that you are pregnant. However, if you have ruled out pregnancy, stress, illness, diet, and hormonal changes could all be culprits. See your doctor to find the cause and treat the problem.

How irregular are your periods for your first year?

You can't really say because everybody is different. But it's usually the first 6 months that will be the most irregular.