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Yes you could be pregnant. You need to go back to your doctor and have a QUANTITATIVE BETA HCG blood test. You'll know without a doubt then if you're pregnant.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you went to the doctor because you were feeling sick and were vomiting and a pregnancy test was inconclusive?
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What are the typical signs of pregnancy during its early stages?

In a typical pregnancy, the signs you should watch out to see if you're pregnant or not is nausea and chronic vomiting because these are the basic signs females should watch out for.

What are the chances of getting pregnant after having an ectopic pregnancy but didn't loose a tube?

You should still be able to get pregnant. If the other pregnancy was recent, then it is more likely you will be able to get pregnant because you are very fertile after a pregnancy

Does everybody vomit during pregnancy I am currently 5-6 weeks pregnant and I feel tired and not I dont like any food at all and smells are making me sick. I havent been vomiting. Pls help?

not everyone have symptom's or vomiting during their pregnancy, some don't find out till late through their pregnancy because they don't experience any symptom's of pregnancy. how ever with me I was the same way with my last pregnancy, felt nausea food smell made me sick didn't eat much and never vomited, most likely your not vomiting because you have no food or don't have enough food in your system, once again is not a good thing that you are not eating, it shouldn't matter how bad the smell and how sick it gets you, you must eat if you are pregnant because even if you throw up is just left over after the baby takes all the vitamins from the food you eat, you don't want to starve your self and the baby, it is hard trust me I experienced it but start with small meals crackers rice chicken or veggies even, fruits juice lots of orange juice. this is the best advice I can give but not everyone experience vomiting every women's pregnancy is different so is okay if your not experience any vomiting is normal.

If you have a loss of appetite could it be because you are pregnant?

Yes, this can be a pregnancy symptom. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period

Why are you so sure that Vanessa is not pregnant?

because she is not married so she is not pregnant Pregnancy is a result of sexual intercourse, not of marriage. Many societies disapprove of pregnancy outside marriage, but there are many girls who get pregnant outside marriage.

Im on the implanon birth control how can i tell if im pregnant if im bleeding everyday because of it?

You can tell if you're pregnant by taking a pregnancy test. The implant does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test. Pregnancy is rare on the implant.

Why normal abdominal area during pregnancy?

because thats where the baby is when you are pregnant !

How do you tell from your period if your pregnant?

You cannot rely on your period to determine pregnancy because pregnancy and menstruation are separate processes. If you suspect you might be pregnant, it is best to take a pregnancy test or consult a healthcare provider for accurate confirmation.

Why would a woman experience pregnancy symptoms if shes not pregnant?

because birth control can make you think you're pregnant.

Could i be pregnant missed Period Cramps Headaches didnt take a test yet though am I pregnant?

I can't tell you if you are pregnant, because I'm not psychic. But I can tell you that those are pregnancy symptoms, so you shouls take a pregnancy test, which can tell you if you are pregnant or not

Can taking a pregnancy test during your period tell you if your pregnant?

Your period shouldn't affect the test! There is really no point in doing a pregnancy test during a period. Usually, if you are having a period you are not pregnant. A pregnancy test senses the BHCG hormone so your period should not affect it.

Will Depo-Provera cause chemical pregnancy?

No, Depo Provera is meant to prevent pregnancy. If you're pregnant, it's because the sperm and egg met. Depo Provera does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test, so if you have a positive test, you are pregnant.