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It's possible you are pregnant. Take an HPT or see your doctor.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if your period was almost 3 weeks late and you're having symptoms of pregnancy and now you're lightly bleeding when wiping?
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Bleeding lightly and not on period?

Well, i know that if a girl is pregnant and she's "bleeding lightly" it's called spotting. There is nothing wrong when it happens.

Why are you lightly bleeding for 2 days at 9 weeks pregnant?

there is no reason to be bleeding at all while pregnant so contact your doctor immediately:/

I have taken 2 positive pregnancy tests but am lightly bleeding is this normal?

Yes. Light bleeding is normal. When the embryo embeds itself into your uterine wall it may cause spotty or light bleeding. 90% of women have this happen in the beginning stages of pregnancy.

You are 7 weeks pregnant and you have had light mentral like cramps for about 4 weeks now you started lightly bleeding 2 days ago the nest morning you called your doc and she said to keep an eye on it?

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Light bleeding during pregnancy is a common occurance. However if your bleeding is red then its advisable you go to A&E for a ultrasound scan and necessary blood tests to determine whether this is a early miscarriage. Good luck x

After 10days of periods due the second line is appear in pregnancy test but it is lightis you m pregnant?

i think you are asking "if after ten days the second line appeared very lightly on a pregnancy test then am i pregnant"? then yes that means you are pregnant. congratulations.

Can you have pregnancy symptoms and have a negative test result?

Yes , take two pregnancy tests to make sure . Or even three.

Im 5 weeks pregnanti had the implanon removed 10weeks ago and have been bleeding lightly on and off the last 24hours is this ok?

Bleeding in early pregnancy is common, but you should contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation. The recent removal of the contraceptive implant does not cause bleeding in pregnancy.

You had a baby 4 weeks ago you are still bleeding lightly can you get pregnant?

i think it's possible but after you have your baby u suppose 2 bleed

How concerned should you be when bleeding in your 8th week of pregnancy?

Its difficult to say. Red blood, light bleeding or generally speaking bleeding of any kind SHOULD be checked by your doctor. Some women do bleed lightly during pregnancy but its not normal in the medical sense of the word because pregnant women aren't supposed to bleed. See your doctor.

If you have period like bleeding around the time your period is due however its a lot lighter through the whole thing and you have all the symptoms of being pregnant Also you have been using condoms?

some women will spot lightly around the time there period is due in early pregnancy. But it should not be bright red and follow the usual period flow (light, heavy, light) The best way to know is to test.

When you bleed during pregnancy vaginal bleedingwill it be alot of blood?

It depends like if you are spotting lightly it can be a sign of threatened abortion, if you have painless vaginal bleeding that is placenta previa but when you have severe vaginal bleeding that is abruptio placenta.

Can you be pregnant if you were 18 days late then started bleeding lightly after sex which only lasted a few hours then went away With no clots Periods 3 weeks and 3 days late?

Yes. You should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr as soon as possible.