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Like most things psychology, it is considered to be a combination of nature and nurture.

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Q: Criminal behavior as a learned behavior rather than genetic inheritance?
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Theres no telling because either their personality is genetic or learned behavior.

Human behavior is learned. Do you agree?

In brief, not all human behavior is learned behavior. I believe it is a combination of both innate (or genetic predispositions) and social driving forces. I believe we are born with certain traits and natural propensities that play a role in our development particular to learned attitudes, beliefs, values, and ethics systems.

Is criminal behavior a learning behavior?

Yes it's learned,because it's a phenomenon replicate from been exposed to thinking that it's appropriate to do like wise.

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A learned behavior is blending in with it's surroundings.

Learned behavior depends upon?

AnswerLearned behavior depends on the environment of the individual.

Is courtship behavior a learned behavior?

No, it is an instinctive behavior.