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Q: Crops that failed to grow in southern colonies?
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What types of crops the southern colonies grow?


What crop were the southern colonies know to grow?

ugly crops

Do they still grow the same crops in the southern colonies in the present?


What good thing about southern colonies?

they grew cash crops and had good soil to grow it.

Good things about southern colonies?

they grew cash crops and had good soil to grow it.

How might southern colonies reliance on slave labor eventually cause problems?

the southern colonies' cash crops required a great deal of difficult work to grow and harvest.

What crops did the southern colonies grow?

The southern colonies had large, spread out plantations there, and the crops they grew were indigo,rice, and some of corn. ER......... hope that helped...........Sincerely,:3

How did farms in the southern colonies?

they farmed crops such as rice,corn,and grow tobacco plants to trade and became wealthy.

Why did the southern colonies use the most slave labor?

The southern colonies were the only colonies that slave labor was actually profitable because they had a large amount of crops. The wealthy landownsers, who could buy several slaves, could house the slaves in their large plantation homes.

Which colonies had fertile soil to grow crops?

If you are talking about the 13 Colonies, then it would be the Middle Colonies.

Describe the economy in the New England Colonies?

The often harsh climate and rocky soil meant that few New England farms could grow cash crops.

What was the southern colonies growing season like?

The Southern Colonies were able to grow crops throughout the year. The months that they did most of their crop growing were, March, April, May, June, July, August, and September.