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Seperatists and Independence advocates.

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Q: Current political issues in Puerto Rico?
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Name the current Governor of Puerto Rico?

Luis Fortuño is the current governor of Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico to be or not to be a state?

Puerto Rico has three options on it's political status. Statehood, Commonwealth (Current), and Independence from the United States. The topic is very debated on the island as there are three political parties and each one has it's ideology. Also, Puerto Rico is a Spanish-speaking commonwealth/nation, and Puerto Ricans are very proud of their language because Puerto Rico speaks its own language called Puerto Rican Spanish which is different from Spaniard Spanish or Mexican Spanish. The major political party of Puerto Rico is the People's Democratic Party which seeks to remain a commonwealth. Puerto Ricans will go to vote in November 2012 to see if the current political status will be changed. The last plebiscite was in 1998 and Puerto Ricans voted to remain a commonwealth.

What is Puerto Rico current leaders and their titles?

Luis Fortuño is the Governor of Puerto Rico at this time.

Who is the leader of the Puerto Rico?

The governor of Puerto Rico is its chief executive and considered the leader of the territory for his term. The current Governor of Puerto Rico is Alejandro Javier García Padilla. He was elected on November 6, 2012. His current term will end in 2016.

What are some current standards in Puerto Rico?

Some current standards in puerto rico is poverty, health, life expectancy, and literacy rate.

Governor of Puerto Rico in 2010?

The current governor of Puerto Rico is Mr. Luis Fortuño (Republican).

Puerto Rico's current status in relation to US?

Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States.

Are there any current travel warnings for traveling to Puerto Rico?

No! Puerto Rico is a US Commonwealth. All puerto Ricans are American Citizens! Puerto Rico is under American flag.

Why is Luis Muñoz Marín an important figure in Puerto Rico?

Because he was the one who created our current political status and because he became the first Puerto Rican governor elected by Puerto Ricans.

What is the current population of Puerto Rico?


Who is the present prime minister of puerto rico?

Puerto Rico does not have a prime minister. The governor is the head of the government in Puerto Rico. Alejandro García Padilla is the current governor.

What political party does Puerto Rico follow?
