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Presumably. I have read that the Welsh had them in their unsuccessful attempt to remain independent from England, and they made such an impact that they were adopted into the English Army.

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Q: DID the Welsh invent the longbow?
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Who perfected the longbow?

The Welsh archers of the late 1300's perfected the longbow.

Where did the longbow originate?

The Welsh were the first to use the longbow in Britain, but its use had spread into England by the end of the 13th century.

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why not

What is a yew bow used for?

The English longbow is a powerful medieval type of longbow about 6 ft (1.8 m) long used by the English and Welsh for hunting and as a weapon in medieval warfare.

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What Weapon was used against the french at Agincourt?

The Welsh longbow, which was often used to fire armour-peircing Bodkin arrows.

What did Thomas Welsh Invent?

An early type of skateboard

Is it legal to shoot a welsh man with a longbow in england?

It's not legal to shoot anyone with anything in England. Even if they do speak funny.

When did thomas welsh invent the skateboard?

1950 1950he didnt it was surfers

Which could fire father a longbow or a longbow?

of these two choices, the longbow is the definate answer.

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what is the antonym for longbow

How did Thomas Welsh invent the skateboard?

Thomas Welsh invented the skateboard by using two by four boards or any type of board and nailed the wheels on.