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Yes. Antegrade amnesia is the loss of memory relates to events that occur after a traumatic event. There is inability to recall new information. Old information can be recalled. Antegrade amnesia may follow brain trauma. This type of amnesia is in contrast to retrograde amnesia in which the lack of memory relates to events that occurred before a traumatic event.
In the very center of your brain is a little piece that is called the hippocampus.
This is the area that deals with converting short-term memories to long-term memories. Your brain is
sort of a mirror image of itself, meaning you have part of your hippocampus on one side and part on the other side. Damage to only one side would mean your amnesia is not as bad. Anterograde amnesia most often occurs when there is damage to the hippocampus. This usually happens
with a traumatic brain injury, in which the brain inside its skull casing is shaken up really hard.

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The inability to form and store new long-term memories is called?

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