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Q: Debroah Sampson life events
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Jack was an influence to Sampson's life in a way that Ponyboy's life was influenced by soda from the outsiders.

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because he won bgt

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I only know one person that was influential to Deborah Sampson and that was Miss.Fuller. She was the only women to be nice to Deborah. I knew that because I have to do a report on Deborah Sampson.

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Lorin Gurney Sampson Farr has written: 'Ideal and real' -- subject(s): Conduct of life

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My Life Is a Sitcom - 2003 Meet the Sampson Family 1-5 was released on: USA: 16 February 2003

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i believe he does have a family but no sites i have been on can tell me anything about Henry Sampson's family life. there is hardly any information about him.

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Daz Sampson sang "Teenage life" for the United Kingdom at Eurovision 2006.

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What did Deborah Sampson do after the war?

she had a short life after the war because she got sick and then died hour later

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