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bacteria and fungi

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Q: Decomposition and decay of organic matter are accomplished by the action of?
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What is dry decomposition?

Decomposition (or rotting) is the process by which organic substances are broken down into simpler forms of matter.

What matter is converted into animal and microbial tissue during decomposition?

Organic matter is converted into animal and microbial tissue during decomposition. This matter can be then used to fertilize the soil.

Why good air flow is necessary for the decomposition of the organic matter?

Good air flow is necessary for the decomposition of organic matter because decaying matter builds up gases. If the gases are not allowed to escape the area, there could be an explosion.

What are the factors affecting organic matter decomposition?


What is added to the atmosphere during bacterial decomposition of organic matter?

bacteria or fungi

How is organic matter formed?

Organic matter is formed through the decomposition of living organisms, such as plants, animals, and microbes. When these organisms die, their remains break down and undergo a process called decomposition, where organic compounds are broken down into simpler molecules by fungi, bacteria, and other decomposers. This process eventually results in the formation of organic matter in the soil.

How does sterile soil prevent decomposition?

There are no microbes present to break down organic matter

What is Eutrification?

The process in which oxygen is removed from the water by the decomposition of large amounts of organic matter

Fuel formed under the earths surface by the decomposition of organic matter is called?

a boat

What is humus a source of?

Carbon is what humus is a source of.Specifically, the term designates organic matter in soil. The organic matter is created by the decomposition of animal and plant matter. Decomposition results in increased availability of carbon. Humus also will attract ammonium, copper, magnesium, potassium and zinc.