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Q: Definition for infared waves
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What are 2 energy waves that cant be seen?

Heat waves (infared) and sound waves.

Can infrared waves make you feel warm?

infared rays - 92 % positive

What has highest frequency gamma rays infared waves or radio waves?

Gamma rays have the highest frequency among gamma rays, infrared waves, and radio waves.

What wave is emitted by infared waves?

inferd is its own wave it doesnt emit a wave

How does the wavelength of infared(IR) compared with the wavelength of ultraviolet (UV) waves?

ay gagu

What are the kind of EM waves?

radio waves, microwaves, infared, visible light, UV light, x rays, gamma rays

What are the seven kinds of EM waves?

radio waves, microwaves, infared, visible light, UV light, x rays, gamma rays

Is infared a transverse or longitudinal wave?

No doubt about it; infra red rays are transverse in nature. Only sound waves are longitudinal. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. Infra red belongs to that family of electromagnetic waves.

What has longer wavelength radio waves or visible light?

Neither is nesesarily longer a wave can go on forever. Visible light is more reflective than infared light so it will last longer. If you are talking about wavelength, infared lights wavelength is longer.

What is colorless color?

Those which are invisible to the human eye such as infared, and ultraviolet. May be used as insult toward works of art. Definition...: That which does not exist. Transparent.

Are Infared waves have a larger wavelength than Ultraviolet light?

Yes, infrared waves have a larger wavelength than ultraviolet light. Infrared waves have wavelengths longer than those of visible light, while ultraviolet light has wavelengths shorter than visible light.

Infrared saunas vs. traditional saunas?

The infared sauna uses special infared beams instead of traditional methods. This is due to the fact that infared is not as damaging to the skin then the normal saunas.