

Definition of numeric variables

Updated: 10/18/2022
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12y ago

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Numeric variables store numbers for doing mathematics, counting etc..

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Numeric constants have the capacity to store numeric value.

What is the numeric factor of the variable or variables in a monomial?

the coefficient

What is the definition of numeric constraint?

A numeric constraint deals with distances and size. Width, length, and depth are examples of these.

What is the definition of a computer program?

An organized list of instructions that, when executed, causes the computer to behave in a predetermined manner. Without programs, computers are useless.A program is like a recipe. It contains a list of ingredients (called variables) and a list of directions (called statements) that tell the computer what to do with the variables. The variables can represent numeric data, text, or graphical images.

What is a numerical number?

A redundancy. Numbers are numeric by definition.

Social security numbers numeric values therefore social security is an example of?

Since social security numbers have numeric values, a social security number is an example of a qualitative variable.

What data can be referred to things that can be counted?

A quantitative variable is numeric and therefore can be counted discretely or continuously. The other side of the spectrum is qualitative variables.

What is the difference between numeric and string variables?

Numeric variables store numbers for doing mathematics, counting etc.. String variables store printable sets of characters that can be read by humans in what ever language. int i=3; /* a numeric variable in c */ char *hello = "Hello world, Im 3 years old" /* string that contains a number */ Computer languages generally provide many different ways to transform one into the other.

Why structure variables cannot be compared?

They can be compared with memcmp, but you should be careful if your structures contain:- pointers- alignment gaps- numeric variables (byte order!)- nested structures/unions

What is the scientific definition of a control variable?

A controlled variables are what stayed the same and is compared to other variables

What do you call variables in a experiment that you can change?

The definition of a variable is to change or changeable. All variables hold this quality.

What is the default initial value for all numeric types?

If they are instance variables the default initial value is 0. If they are method local variables, they are null and must be initialized to some value before they are used