

Definition of sloth

Updated: 9/14/2023
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15y ago

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A sloth is a tree-dwelling mammal that lives in South American rainforests, that moves usually very slowly. There are two types of sloths, the three-toed sloth and the two-toed sloth. The three-toed sloth is known for being more easygoing in its personality and less aggressive than the two-toed sloth. Both types have three toes on their back feet, but the two-toed has two front "fingers" on each front paw, while the three-toed has three.

The word sloth has also come to mean laziness, because of the very sedentary lifestyle of the animal sloth.

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a sloth is called a sloth because it is named after one of the deadly sins .

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Well, the names two toed sloth and three toed sloth refer to the claws on the "Feet" of the sloth

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Is sloth one of the seven deadly sins?

Catholic AnswerSloth, or acedia (in Latin) is spiritual apathy or (dictionary definition) habitual disinclination to exertion; indolence; laziness. Sloth is where you just can't seem to pull yourself together enough to start praying, going to the Sacraments worthily, and making a serious effort to be a better person. St. Thomas Aquinas discuss sloth in the Summa Theologiae, here is his opening remark under "Is sloth a sin?":I answer that, Sloth, according to Damascene (De Fide Orth. ii, 14) is an oppressive sorrow, which, to wit, so weighs upon man's mind, that he wants to do nothing; thus acid things are also cold. Hence sloth implies a certain weariness of work, as appears from a gloss on Psalm 106:18, "Their soul abhorred all manner of meat," and from the definition of some who say that sloth is a "sluggishness of the mind which neglects to begin good."

What is the rarest sloth?

the maned sloth

What is the spanish word for sloth?

perezoso = sloth (the animal), and a slothful person. Pereza = sloth (the act of sloth or the mortal sin)

How many species of sloths are there in the whorld?

there are 16 types 3 toed 2 toed and ground sloth and space sloth ninga sloth piarate sloth more powerful sloth

What is a baby sloth called?

A baby sloth is simply called a baby sloth.

Are sloth tetrapods or bipeds?

The sloth is a vertebrate, and a mammal.