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You can use Calculus to figure it out, but that's a lot of work.

A more simple approach is to:

# mass it (in grams)

# dunk it into a pitcher of water, and record how much liquid it displaces (in mL = cm^3)

# take (1), divide (2) # if the number is less than 1 it floats, and if the number is greater than 1 it sinks


* Density is defined as mass/volume, so to figure out the density of an object, find it's mass and it's volume, and divide the two. * To mass something is kind of like weighing it, but with different units. If something weighs 1 pound it's mass might be about 450 grams, depending on where you are. * An easy home-approach to finding volume of ex. a rock would be to find how much liquid it displaces. Take a measuring beaker that measures mL and fill it with ex. 500 mL of water, then insert your rock. Let's say the water level rose to 550 mL, that means your rock's volume is 50 mL. 1 mL = 1 cm^3 * So lets say your rock weighed 150 grams (about 5 ounces), and the water moved up 50 cm^3, so the rock's mass is 150g/50cm^3 = 3 g/cm^3 * Water's density is about 1 g/cm^3, so this rock's density is about 3 times as much as water! (I guess we just proved why rocks don't float!)

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3w ago

The density of irregular solids like stone can be determined by measuring the mass and volume of the object. The density formula is density = mass/volume. To find the volume of an irregular solid, displacement method or water displacement method can be used.

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9y ago

The density of rock depends on the type of rock. Among common rock types density can vary from 2.2 grams per cubic centimeter for porous sedimentary rock to 3.4 grams per cubic centimeter for ultramafic igneous rock.

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14y ago

First weigh the stone.
You have to fill a measuring cylinder with water. There is no fixed position were you stop. Read at eye level at the bottom of the meniscus (Vol. 1). Put the irregular object in the water and again, read the water at eye level at the bottom of the meniscus (Vol.2).Subtract (Vol.1) from (Vol.2).
That is the volume of the irregular object. For the density:
Calculate it and you have the answer.

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Since mass is usually expressed in grams and volume in cubic centimeters, density is expressed in grams/cubic centimeter. For solids that have an irregular shape, the displacement method must be used to determine their volume. Choose a graduated cylinder large enough to hold the object.

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The volumes of small irregular solids are usually easily measured by measuring the volume of fluid displaced when they are immersed in a liquid. For example: You would have to put the object in a measuring glass with water in it. (~1/3 filled) Put the object in it and then get the number from the measuring glass (beaker etc. mostly beaker) and that is how you measure a irregular solid!

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