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Non living things in an ecosystem is called abiotic(ex: rocks, water, sticks.). The livening thing in an ecosystem is called biotic (ex: animals, trees, plants.).

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Q: Describe 2 interactions between living things and non-living things in an ecosystem?
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What kinds of interactions make up an ecosystem?

Ecology is the study of the interactions between living and other living things; and between living things and the nonliving things in their environment.

What is a community of living or nonliving things?

An ecosystem is a community of living and nonliving things that interact with each other in a specific area. This includes plants, animals, microorganisms, and physical factors like water, soil, and sunlight. The interactions between these components play a crucial role in the balance and functioning of the ecosystem.

What is the relationship between living and nonliving part of an ecosystem?

they both work together

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What are some examples of interactions between living and nonliving things?

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Adaptations result from interactions between organisms and their .?

Environment..., also Ecosystem..., as long as we permit it to exist.

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the difference between a habitat and an ecosystem is that a habitat is a home to an animal and an ecosystem is a place where abiotic and biotic interactions take place

Ecology is the study of environmental interactions at the following levels of increasing complexity?

Ecology is the study of environmental interactions at the individual, population, community, and ecosystem levels of increasing complexity. At the individual level, it examines how organisms interact with their environment for survival and reproduction. At the population level, it looks at the interactions between individuals of the same species. At the community level, it investigates interactions between different species within a specific area. Finally, at the ecosystem level, it examines the interactions between organisms and their physical environment, including energy flow and nutrient cycling.

What are the objectives in making a model of an ecosystem?

By making a model of an ecosystem, one can better improve their knowledge and understanding of how different factors affect eachother and the relationship between living and nonliving things.

Tell the group of organisms that all the cycles have in common which keeps matter cycling between living and nonliving parts of the ecosystem?


Which term includes all of the interactions that occur between the organism and the physical factors in a pond environment?
