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An experiment which can be used to investigate the effect of gamma radiation on Mongo seeds can be described as follows; plant 5 seeds in different containers. Expose 4 seeds to different levels of gamma radiation. Document the growth levels of each seed, and the resulting plant or flower that is or is not produced.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 1w ago

To investigate the effect of gamma radiation on mongo seeds, you can set up an experiment where you expose a group of seeds to varying doses of gamma radiation (e.g., 0 Gy, 10 Gy, 20 Gy, 30 Gy). This can be achieved using a radiation source where the distance and exposure time can be adjusted to control the dose. For controls, you can have a group of seeds that are not exposed to any radiation (0 Gy) to compare with the irradiated seeds. Additionally, you can have another control group exposed to a standardized dose to provide a reference for the experimental results.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

d ko dn alam e, sa iba nalng ipasagot..hehehehe

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Q: Describe an experiment which can be used to investigate the effect of gamma radiation on mongo seeds include a description of how the dose can be varied and how you can set up controls in the experime?
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