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If crystal planes and directions in hexagonal system are indexed using Miller Index, then the crystallography equivalent planes have indices which appear dissimilar. To overcome this, Miller-Bravais Index is used.

In short meaning: Miller-Bravais index, used to identify a plane in a hexagonal or rhombohedral structure.

The four digit of Miller-Bravais indices: (hkil). The i is always the negative of the sum of h and k. The h k l is determined similar like the Miller Index system.

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Procedure of finding miller indices of a crystal structure?

To find the Miller indices of a crystal plane, first determine the intercepts of the plane on the three coordinate axes. Take the reciprocals of these intercepts (or multiply them to clear fractions) to get a set of integers. These integers, when written within parentheses and with no commas, represent the Miller indices of the plane. Simplify the indices if possible by dividing by their greatest common factor.

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Using reciprocals spares us the complication of infinite intercepts.Formulas involving Miller indices are very similar to related formulas from analytical geometry.

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Miller indices are a symbolic notation used to describe the orientation of planes and directions in a crystal lattice. They are a set of integers (hkl) representing the intercepts of a plane or direction with the crystallographic axes. Miller indices are used in crystallography to uniquely identify specific crystallographic planes and directions.

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Anyone know that Harry Morgan appeared in Orchestra Wives before the Glenn Miller story?

Absolutely. Whether it was intentional or not, he's the only actor to appear in both films. He played pianist Chummy MacGregor in the Glenn Miller Story, and appeared briefly as a young fountain "soda jerk" in Orchestra Wives.

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What is abigail williams a lover of?

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