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your sweat evaporates, your body heat flies away with it...

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Q: Describe how your bodies use evaporation to cool themselves?
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We cool ourselves by sweating and allowing evaporation to take what from your bodies?


How do your bodies use evaporation to cool ourselves?

Because it takes away the heat energy used by it to evaporate. Evaporation its self is a cooling process.

Describe how we use evaporation to cool ourselves?

OMG! How am i supposed to know, I was about to ask you the same question!

How the dog cool themselves?

Dogs expel heat in their bodies by panting.

How does your body use perspiration to stay cool?

the natural process of heated bodies using evaporation to cool bodies is caused by cooling down of the warmed bodies

What is the independent variable for keep your candy cool with the power of evaporation?

hypothesis of candy cool with the power of evaporation

Why does the evaporation of water cool the air near the water's surface?

Evaporation is an endothermic process.

How do showering themselves and wallowing in muddy water in the midday heat help the elephant rhinoceros and hippopotamus stay cool?

by flapping their ears or spraying themselves with water.

What are other examples of evaporation to cool things down?

Sweating is a major example of evaporation to cool down. That is why people sweat. When the sweat is evaporated off of the body, it causes the person to cool down some.

Is evaporation faster in cool air?

Lol no. opposite.

Why do liquids cool as evaporation takes place?

They don't.

Does evaporation when water is warm or cool?

Water is evaporated at any temperature but a high temperature favors evaporation.