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The various components of flutuations in economic activity over time are to read your book and find the answer yourself.

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Q: Describe the various components of fluctuations in economic activity over time?
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The unemployment produced by fluctuations in economic activity is called

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regressions and expansionsA sequence of economic activity typically characterized by recession, fiscal recovery, growth, and fiscal decline.

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A recurring cycle of booms and busts, recoveries and recessions

What is the difference between economic and noneconomic activity?

Economic activity is the activity in which we work for earning an incom. Non economic activity is the activity wich we do it for our satisfaction.

What is the difference between economic and noneconomic?

Economic activity is the activity in which we work for earning an incom. Non economic activity is the activity wich we do it for our satisfaction.

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Is family picnic an economic activity?

no its non economic activity.

What are the components and importance of economic environment?

The components of economic environment include economic conditions, economic systems, economic policies, international economic environment, and economic legislation. Each of these components rely on each other and decide the outcome of the environment.

What best describe the recent econonmic realities of iraq?

Living standards have declined but economic activity is increasing in secured areas.

A world economic activity map shows information about?

The different economic activity shown in that location.

What is the main economic activity Manchester?

The main economic activity is bauxite