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Q: Describe three postwar developments in technology that affected the way people lived?
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How did the postwar boom of the 1950s affect most white Americans?

The postwar boom of the 1950s affected many white Americans by causing them to move out of the cities and into suburban developments. Many people held "white collar" jobs and moved away from farming.

What postwar developments coincided with heightened consumer demand?

wartime production capacity and technological developments were shifted to civilian applications, production continued to increase, and new ventures were formed to take advantage of the opportunities.

What is one way that housing changed in the postwar period?

Suburban developments began to spring up when builders applied assembly-line techniques to homes.

Which postwar policy do the details in the excerpt below describe?

Answer this question… Truman Doctrine.

Use postwar in a sentence?

The army had a postwar celebration.

Postwar in a sentence?

During the postwar period, there was little food.

How did T.S. Eliot describe the postwar world?

T.S. Eliot described the postwar world as a wasteland devoid of spiritual meaning and moral values, characterized by disillusionment, fragmentation, and decay. His influential poem "The Waste Land" reflects his vision of the shattered society and human condition in the aftermath of World War I.

A sentence using postwar?

During the postwar era, it did not see the end of imperialism.

Describe the disagreement between the us and the soviets on Eastern Europe?

Disagreement between the United States and the soviet Union about postwar Europe helped start Cold war. Match each statement about the postwar to correct country. United states soviet union - wanted to limit German to have a strong economy.

What was the difference between teenagers in the postwar period and in earlier times?

Postwar teens were a major target group of businesses

What was Harding's postwar program called?

Return to Normalcy was the name of Harding's postwar program.

What is the best term to describe the postwar Western economic model?

For individual nations: welfare capitalism (for states); multi-national corporation (for business). For the West as a whole: the Bretton Woods system.