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Yes, Alexander did allow slavery. While the city of Tyre was under siege, Alexander sold the women and children into slavery.

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That was a natural.

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Q: Did Alexander the Great torture his slaves?
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Who prepared Alexander the Great's food?

His slaves.

What did Alexander the Great do with his slaves?

Kept them in subjection and working hard.

Did Alexander Hamiltion have slaves?

Alexander Hamilton did not have slaves.

What did alexander the great do to his slaves?

Alexander the Great is said to have treated his slaves relatively well compared to the prevailing norms of his time. He often rewarded loyal slaves with freedom and granted them important positions in his administration. However, it is important to remember that slavery was still a harsh and oppressive institution, and while Alexander may have shown some degree of compassion towards his slaves, they ultimately lacked personal freedom and were subject to his authority.

How did slaves die?

Torture and torture devices like starvation and abusing and dehydration etc.

What were lawyers allowed to do to their slaves in order to get information?

they were allowed to torture slaves in order to get info.

How did owners control their slaves?

Shackles, chains, and torture.

Why was the majority of ottoman slaves christians?

if they did not practice there religion they would torture them

How did plantation owners torture slaves?

they would whip them with a leather belt.

What would slaves owners beat slaves with?

Slave owners would often beat slaves with whips, fists, clubs, or other objects to assert control, instill fear, and enforce discipline. These beatings were a common form of punishment and coercion used to maintain the system of slavery.

How many slaves did Alexander ross help?

i think it was 31 slaves

Who was Alexander Ross?

Alexander Ross was an abolitionist who helped slaves to freedom