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Poor justin... well he has been bullied before in 6th grade, by a boy who was in 8th grade that was really jealous of him and didnt like his voice :( this carried on for 2 months :'(

but luckily Justin is much more happier now and is carrying on with life & music! ♥

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12y ago
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14y ago

Yes, Charlie Cyrus got bullied very badly simply because her dad was BillyRay Cyrus. They were living in Tennesee at the time, but when her sister, Miley got the call saying she got the part she was practicly more happy then Miley to leave tennesee. And now she gets even more bullied in her school now in LA because of BillyRay and Miley and Noah. So Tish and BillyRay are starting her in homeschool this year! Poor baby. );

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12y ago

Britney never really attended school as she was constantly travelling around the world for auditions and Meetings. Britney did go through personal struggles at school with the fact of 'Jealousy' her mom recalled. Britney's mom recalls 'She would hide in her room and i would find her crying.' Britney has also opened up for Anti Bullying along with many other stars like Miley Cyrus, Demi Lavato and Christina Aguilera etc. Britney also tweeted (Twitter) 'Anti Bullying is a serious matter close to my heart!'

"I remember hiding in certain places around school because i was afraid of the bullies." Britney recalls "They would always taunt me and whisper about my appearance, Bullying was part of hell in my life!" Britney has definatley tried her hardest to stay strong though and that is why so many people look up to her.

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14y ago

Yeah, pretty badly. Her best friend those days was as she put it 'her grilled cheese sandwich'. Her best friends turned on her.

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