

Did Eminem take meth

Updated: 8/30/2023
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11y ago

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Well typically, living in Detroit back in the days seeing his family do it makes him more stronger and motivated not to do it because he wanted to get somewhere in life with the rap game , so probably not though he might have little secrets for himself.. but it wouldn't matter..he is what he is right now !

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11y ago

No, never meth,never crack & never heroin. Em returns and answers all my letters. Since my first letter in 2003 and since we were both drug users/ I was going through serious sh*t at the time. In the early days he used a lot of xtc and cocaine. A lot of the xtc had methamphetamine in it especially in the early 2000's so he most def has used it, most likely not even knowing. The uppers lead to a needed downer usage to land off of the crash or sleep. This created the sleeping problem and oddly enough, I had the same issue's in parallel to his at roughly the same time. The years of speed destroyed his sleep ability & so he turned to vicodine & sleeping medication, prescribed by the way. Methamphetamine is very popular with celebs because of the energy/stimulating feeling you gain but he never did it. More celebs than you think use methamphetamine, they just hide it. I know for a fact he never went that low though.

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