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My actions at the Alamo are justified as is my participation in them!

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Most likely no.

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Q: Did General Santa Anna have famous quotes?
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Who was the most famous Mexican general in the Mexican war?

For the US it was Winfield Scott. For Mexico it was Santa Anna.

Did General Santa Anna have brothers?

General Santa Anna had no brothers.

What is General Santa Anna most famous for?

As a butcher because of the Alamo and Goliad.

What quote has both A Lincoln and General Santa Ana in it?

"General Santa Anna drove a Lincoln to the Alamo." You didn't say it had to be true. There's no famous quote I'm aware of featuring Lincoln and Santa Anna.

Was Santa Anna a ganeral?

Yes. Santa Anna was a general.

What was the famous massacre of the Texans during their assault of General Santa Anna?

The prisoners at Goliad were massacred.

Who was the Mexican general who fight the Texans?

Santa Anna was the leader of the Mexicans at the Alamo.

Who was the famous Mexican military general?

Santa Anna is probably the most widely known name in the US.

What was a Sam Houston famous quote?

"Texas, to be respected must be polite. Santa Anna living, can be of incalculable benefit to Texas; Santa Anna dead, would just be another dead Mexican." Sam Houston on why he released his prisoner from Brainy Quotes.

General Santa Anna?

Santa Anna was the leader of Mexico during the Texas Revolution and the Mexican-American War. When Texas wished independence from Mexico, Santa Anna mobilized troops. Most famous of the battles in the Texas Revolution was the Alamo, where Santa Anna killed everyone on the opposing side. He was, however, defeated in the end and Texas gained independence. When Texas was annexed to the United States, however, Santa Anna was mad again, and attacked when President Polk walked American troops into disputed territories. Led primarily by General Winfield Scott, the Americans thrashed the Mexicans and Santa Anna was wrenched from power.

Mexican president and general?

Santa Anna.

Generals in the Alamo?

General Santa Anna.